Vanarama National League
Customer Charter

Yeovil Town Football Club believes:

  • Customer care starts on the inside, with a good team of staff and work ethic.
  • Always keep customers updated with progress reports when ever they have to wait.
  • Remain courteous even in difficult situations. The club and its staff know they are offering a service and that they would like every customer to return.
  • Do end every conversation on a positive note, no problem is too big that together we cannot solve.
  • It is important to remember that people come first when offering a service.
  • Friendly, helpful service with a smile and knowing your job and everyone’s rights is the key.
  • Forget the distractions, ensure that without being subservient the customer comes first and be sure to give them your full attention.

In Addition

  • Caring about your job will ensure that you care about your customer.
  • If you make sure each customer has something positive to say about you and the Club, each customer will remain happy.
  • Treat every customer, as you would like to be treated yourself.
  • You should always aim to achieve ultimate customer satisfaction in the club’s business.


We welcome constructive feedback from all supporters regarding improvements and satisfaction and value this feedback on both positive and negative aspects of our business and activities. 

Any issues with customer service should be made to the club, either by telephone on 01935 423662 during normal office hours, by email to or writing to them at Yeovil Town Football Club, Lufton Way, Yeovil, BA22 8YF.

The club would normally respond to any contact from a customer within a period of 14 working days. However every endeavour will be made to address any concern raised by a supporter at the initial point of contact. The club will respond by email, telephone, fax or letter depending on the most appropriate means and if a customer requests a written response, one will be provided.

A Supporter Liaison representative will, where necessary, arrange meetings with customers by prior arrangement.

The club always aims to resolve any complaint received regarding customer service to the customer’s satisfaction. After all other opportunities to resolve a complaint have been exhausted or should a supporter be unsatisfied by the clubs response or failure to respond the supporter can contact, in writing, the Independent Football Ombudsman.

The Independent football Ombudsman
Suite 49
33 Great George Street
0800 5884066


Senior executives at Yeovil Town FC will hold at least two meetings per season with their supporters groups (or representatives) in order to discuss significant issues relating to the club.

The club publicises its position on major policy issues in a user friendly manner via the clubs matchday programme, the club’s official internet site & social media, local radio and newspapers.

The club has and will continue to develop ways of consulting with shareholders, sponsors, season ticket holders and other interested parties.

The club gives the earliest possible public notice of any changes to its ticketing policy and the reasons for the change.



The club continues to strive for wider access to its home matches by offering a broad range of ticket prices for both matchday tickets and season tickets. The club operates an instalment plan to enable supporters to pay for season tickets during the season at a reasonable rate of interest.

The club reserves the right to vary general admission charges at any point throughout the season. 

The club reserves the right to charge an administration fee for processing telephone and online bookings for tickets for all fixtures. 


At least 5% of tickets to each game will be made available to non-season ticket holders.

Concessions (concessionary prices are available for):

  • Juniors up to 16 years of age 
  • Senior citizens at the age of 65 for both men and women 
  • Young people between the age of 16 -21
  • Disabled (see disabled section) 

The club reserves the right to charge normal match day admission prices in the absence of proof of qualifying for a concessionary rate.

Away matches

The club’s supporters are allocated tickets for away matches and where the demand is expected to exceed the allocation received; the club will give priority to season ticket holders and token holders.

Cup competitions:

Tickets for cup competitions are priced at normal league admission prices unless stated or as mutually agreed with the visiting club. Season ticket holders can claim their allocated seat during a priority sales period.


The club’s policy on the return and distribution of unwanted tickets is as follows:

Supporters are not entitled to return tickets for a refund. However, tickets can be exchanged for any forthcoming home matches at Huish Park. 

Any unwanted tickets i.e. unclaimed season ticket holders tickets for cup competitions will go on sale to the general public after the priority sales period has ended. For each match, all the relevant sale times are advertised. 

Abandoned Match Policy 

If a match has been postponed prior to kick-off, ticket holders can use their original ticket(s) for the rearranged fixture.

If a match has been postponed after spectators have been admitted to the ground but before the match has kicked off, ticket holders and any spectators having entered the ground will be offered free admission to the rearranged game on production of their original ticket/s

If a match kicks off but is abandoned before the commencement of the second half spectators in attendance at the match will be offered admission to the rearranged game for 50% of the admission price they paid to attend the original fixture on production of their original tickets. 

Ticket holders unable to attend the rearranged fixture can exchange their ticket(s) for any forthcoming home fixture at Huish Park. (Subject to availability)

Accommodating Away Supporters 

The club abides by EFL Regulations governing the allocation of tickets to visiting clubs. The club does not charge admission prices to supporters of a visiting club, which are higher than those charged to our own supporters. In particular our concessionary rates offered to senior citizens, young oeople, and junior supporters apply to supporters of a visiting club.


The club endeavours to ensure that all replica shirt designs shall have a minimum lifespan of one season.

The club will provide supporters with information on replica strip launch dates

The club carries out its obligations under English Football League regulations to prevent price fixing in relation to the sale of replica strips 

The club offers refunds on merchandise sales in accordance with its obligations under the sale of goods act.


Yeovil Town Football Club has a strict NO smoking policy inside the ground


Through the Yeovil Town Football Club Community Sports Trust, the club is committed to developing a strong community partnership in Somerset and Dorset.

The club carries out its football in the community obligations using registered and qualified staff in accordance with FA regulations and code of practice.

Yeovil Town Football Club Community Sports Trust activities include:-

  • School in term coaching courses 
  • Football skills development centres
  • Football fun days 
  • Youth School Tournaments 
  • Working with special schools and young people with disabilities 
  • Ladies football programmes 
  • Football skill programmes for people with special needs
  • Learning through football and playing for success schemes 
  • Participation and visits by the First Team Managers, coaches and players 
  • Fans of the future initiatives

In line with the club’s safeguarding policy Yeovil Town Community Sports trust ensures that any member of staff in a role that may involve working with children/ vulnerable adults has had the appropriate level of criminal records checks and are trained in safeguarding matters.


Yeovil Town Football Club is committed to preventing people from behaving in a manner likely to jeopardise the safety or enjoyment of others.

When attending matches at Huish Park all supporters must abide by the ground regulations displayed on notice boards at all entrances to the stadium and at other high visibility positions. These regulations are available on the club website by clicking here and a copy can be requested by telephoning the club or emailing

If the club becomes aware of any person having been convicted of or involved directly in a football related offence (whether at the club’s ground or otherwise) or having been in serious breach of any club’s ground regulations, it will, in consultation with the Somerset Constabulary, or the relevant Police Authority in the case of an away game, and representatives of the club’s Supporters’ Group, make a decision as to whether that person should become subject to a club exclusion order. Each case will be judged on its own merits and the length of any ban will depend on the severity of the offence and with regard to any breach of the club’s ground regulations. 

Appeals to the club will be addressed in the first instance by the Stadium Manager. If this is not resolved satisfactorily an appeal should be made to the chair of the football club. The final appeal can be made to the board of directors. At every stage the complainant and their representative will be given the opportunity to attend any appeal in person or by written application.


Yeovil Town Football club is committed to ensuring within the framework of the law that all areas of operations across the club are free from unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of disability, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sex gender (including gender reassignment), pregnancy, sexual orientation, age marital or civil partner status, religion or any other similar philosophical belief.

The principle of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity applies equally to the treatment of former staff, visitors clients customers and suppliers by members of our current workforce.

The club seeks to fully comply with the Equality Act 2010

Yeovil Town Football Club does not condone any sexual or racially based harassment or any other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal, and works with others to ensure such behaviour is met with appropriate action in whatever context it appears.

Yeovil Town Football Club supports the Football Association and the other football bodies in their commitment to develop ongoing training and awareness raising activities in order to promote the eradication of discrimination.

Yeovil Town Football Club does not condone the use of racist or discriminatory language or behaviour inside or outside Huish Park, and the club seeks to eliminate unacceptable and anti social behaviour from either home or the visiting clubs supporters.

Any person found using such language or behaviour may be banned by the club and the person concerned may be liable for arrest and subsequent prosecution. This in turn may lead to a banning order being served by the club

Yeovil Town Football Club is committed to providing services which are responsive to our supporters diverse needs and are accessible and culturally appropriate with the given resources of the club.

Our Anti Discrimination Football policy at the Huish Park Stadium includes:-

Where identified, those engaged in racist or discriminatory chanting may be banned by the club and the person concerned may be liable for arrest and subsequent prosecution. This in turn may lead to a banning order being served by the club

The club uses its public address announcements to condemn racist or discriminatory chanting.

The club strives to ensure that season ticket holders do not take part in racist or discriminatory abuse.

The club takes action to prevent the sale of racist or discriminatory literature both inside and outside of the ground

The club takes disciplinary action against players who engage in racist or discriminatory abuse. 

The club contacts other clubs as required and when asked to do so to ensure that they understand the club’s policy on racist or discriminatory behaviour.

The club encourages a common strategy between all staff, stewards and police for dealing with racist or discriminatory abuse.

The club removes racist or discriminatory graffiti from the ground as a matter of course.

The club adopts an equal opportunities policy in relation to employment and service provision.

The club works with other groups and agencies such as the professional footballers association, supporters, schools, voluntary organisations , youth clubs, sponsors, local authorities, local businesses and police, to develop an active programme and raise awareness to eliminate discrimination.

Yeovil Town Football Club is an equal opportunities employer. The club is committed to equality of opportunity within its organisation and encourages a similar commitment from organisations with which we have contact, either through business or socially.


Yeovil Town Football Club recognises that in its day to day workings with children and vulnerable adults their safety and protection is of the utmost importance. The wellbeing of all children and vulnerable adults is of paramount importance to the club, and the club complies with all government legislation relating to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.

Yeovil Town Football Club ensures that any member of staff in a role that may involve working with children/vulnerable adults has had the appropriate level of criminal records checks and are trained in safeguarding matters.

If you would like further information regarding the clubs safeguarding policy or if you have a concern about a child or vulnerable adult please contact James Hillier on 01935 423662.

Where a child under the age of 16 breaches stadium regulations and would normally be asked to leave the ground if older, the child will be placed in the care of the match day Child Protection Officer who will endeavour to contact the child’s parent, guardian or other family member if appropriate. In cases where this is not possible or practical, the Child Protection Officer will keep the child in a place of safety until the end of the match. For serious breaches of ground regulations the club may deliver the child into the custody of the police. This decision will be made by the club’s Safety Officer.


Yeovil Town Football Club fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of disability.

The club operates a specific ticketing policy for disabled supporters and will ensure that the scheme does not discriminate between disabled people with differing impairments.

DEFINITION OF DISABILITY – As a fundamental principle the Disability Discrimination Act states that disabled people should not be treated “less favorably, without justification” and “reasonable adjustments should be made to make goods, facilities and services accessible”. 

For the purposes of this policy only, the definition of a disabled supporter is:- “Any person who, because of their disability or impairment, is unable to use ordinary stand seating without contravening health and safety regulations, guidelines or policy or where the club has provided a “reasonable adjustment” to enable that supporter to attend the venue. Any such person will be considered for use of the “designated areas” of the stadium in line with the procedures set out in this policy”.

A “reasonable adjustment” in the context should include the need to bring a “personal assistant” for either personal care or safety reasons.

A “designated area” is any area (including specific seats around the stadium) that the club shall, in its sole discretion determine as being available for the disabled ticket price.

A person has a “disability” if he/she has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Yeovil Town Football Club reserves the right to request “proof of a disability” before issuing any concession. 

Such proof shall include: 

  • Receipt of the middle or higher rate of the Disability Living Allowance (mobility or care component)
  • Receipt of either the Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance. A personal letter from your GP.

NB Receipt of an Orange/Blue badge will not be considered sufficient proof of disability.


The club has the following positions for wheelchair supporters and, if required, a personal assistant

  • Home Section – SCREWFIX STAND (BLOCK J & N) 15 pitchside covered bays with personal assistant seat directly behind the allocated bay
  • Away Section – SCREWFIX STAND (BLOCK N) five pitchside covered bays with personal assistant seat directly behind the allocated bay

It is the club policy that one personal assistant with any disabled person using a wheelchair receives their admission to the ground free of charge. The wheelchair-bound fan is required to pay the concessionary admission price for that particular game. Season tickets will be available for both the wheelchair supporter and their personal assistant.

In conjunction with the proof of disability (as previously mentioned) this concession will only be available to those people who meet the eligibility criteria described below:

Wheelchair using applicants must be largely confined to a wheelchair, or not capable of walking a distance further than that required to reasonably and safely access any other part of the stadium.

Wheelchair using applicants should ideally, also be accompanied by a person who is capable of supporting the disabled person’s needs in the event of an emergency. For this reason the club strongly recommends that a personal assistant is sixteen years of age or over and not be infirm.


The club recognises that there are a considerable number of people in the community who use wheelchairs mainly for outdoor mobility purposes but are not necessarily confined to their wheelchair. There are also many people suffering severe walking difficulties who may wish to watch a match.

For the purposes of this policy and the administration of the concessionary ticketing policy both categories of people will be termed ‘ ambulatory disabled supporters’ and those supporters with ambulatory disabilities of a severe nature will qualify for the concessionary pricing and have access to seating nearest the entrances/exits.

Eligibility to these areas will be dependent on providing proof of disability as described previously or will be decided on individual merit.


The club has a limited number of parking places, which are allocated to disabled people with the most severe mobility difficulties. These places are allocated on a seasonal and matchday basis. Applications can be made to the Disabled Liaison Officer and each request will be judged on its individual merits. Seasonal passes will be issued depending on availability.

Requests on a match by match basis will be considered depending on availability. The Disabled Liaison Officer will also try and accommodate requests from away supporters.


The club has disabled toilets with each of the toilets being alarmed. If you experience any problems with the use of the disabled toilets please contact the nearest steward on the day or the club Safety Officer after the match.


Yeovil Town Football Club has an open dialogue with its disabled supporters and encourages them to contact the club on a regular basis to discuss facilities and improvements etc.

Disabled supporters themselves have appointed a person to act and/or speak on their behalf.

The Disabled Supporters Association Chairperson is their Disabled Liaison Representative.

The club have also undertaken a review of its DDA position, both internally and via NADS and have taken due notice of any suggestions/recommendations.

Every reasonable adjustment is being made to all the services provided by the different departments at the club in order to comply with the provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act.

Yeovil Town Football Club Contact Details

Main Operating Address and contact details

Yeovil Town Football Club
Huish Park Stadium 
Lufton Way 
BA22 8YF 

Tel:  01935 423662      
Fax: 01935 473956 

Supporter Liaison
Tel:  01935 423662 Ext 200
Fax: 01935 847886
Contact: Supporter Liaison Officer 

Ticket Office
Ticket Office Manager: Robert Baker
Tel: 01935 847888      

Supporters Away Travel Booking Office
Contact: Paul Hadlow – GWSC
Mobile: 07736 044570      

Media & Press Department
Press officer – Dan Howell
Tel: 01935 847891  
Fax: 01935 473956

Upcoming Matches

Sat 29 Mar 3:00 PM
AFC Fylde
Sat 5 Apr 3:00 PM
Sat 12 Apr 3:00 PM
Oldham Athletic
Fri 18 Apr 3:00 PM
Forest Green Rovers
Mon 21 Apr 3:00 PM
Sat 26 Apr 3:00 PM
Sutton United
Mon 5 May 3:00 PM
Aldershot Town
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